Car transportation since 1996
Fast and reliable

Working hours
I-V: 08:00 – 17:00
Pramonės g. 7, LT28216 Utena

Contact phone
+370 389 56750

About us

The activity of UAB Jontransa is the transportation of new and used cars in Europe. Since 1996, the company has become a member of the Lithuanian National Association of Road Carriers Linava.

The company started transporting new cars in 1999. We have all the necessary documents for transportation (TIR Carnet, CEMT, CMR).

Transported cargo is insured by the insurance company. The amount of cargo loss or damage insurance is EUR 1,200,000.

The staff and drivers of our company are highly qualified. Therefore, we can offer high quality services.

Our mission

Given the urgent delivery deadlines, reasonable price and providing the optimum solution to all road transport services.


Why choose us?

Fast and timely delivery of goods

The company's offer is only new vehicles that are in excellent technical condition. You will be able to rest assured that your cargo will reach its destination on time and in excellent condition.

Qualified and experienced staff

The success of our company is based on the professionalism of our employees. Therefore, we enable and encourage employees to continuously improve in their field. This ensures competent customer service.

Individual solutions

Depending on the customer's needs, an individual solution is adapted to each. Discounts are available for loyal and reliable customers. The company is actively expanding its circle of partners, so it can offer its customers innovative solutions that allow for maximum time and money savings.

Who are we?

Professional, dynamic and constantly improving team, flexible pricing system - this is why it would be worth choosing experienced transportation service experts working for UAB Jontransa.


Jonas, Director of UAB Jontransa

Contact us with any transportation questions